What is Midwest Aftermarket?
It's that feeling you get when you rev up that engine. It's the first time you got behind the wheel for an epic road trip. It's that warm glow behind your eyes after you've taken that first shot on your 21st birthday. It's the look in your dog's eyes when you blame that silent but deadly one on him. It's the joy you felt on Christmas morning opening up that big present, only this time you get all of these experiences and more each and every time you visit the Midwest Aftermarket website to order that badass new part for your truck or Jeep. What is Midwest Aftermarket? you ask. It's friends. It's family. It's a community of aftermarket enthusiasts just like you, with inside jokes and easter eggs to boot. You might as well ask what Midwest Aftermarket isn't. To that, I tell you, we aren't that faceless corporate entity that offers deep discounts at the expense of the American Worker. We aren't big business, outsourcing customer service overseas. We aren't your boss... unless if your boss is a massive Star Wars fan who thinks he's pretty darn good at ping-pong and will challenge you to a match at five minutes to closing time that then turns into an epic showdown of athletics unlike anything you've ever seen or believed could exist, cause then, yeah... that is us, actually.