Midwest Aftermarket
Midwest Aftermarket

The Best Darn Truck Mats Around

13.06.18 10:16 AM Comment(s)

Husky Floor Mats

You might think that the stock carpet floor mats included in your vehicle are good enough to protect your upholstery. But let me tell you, they are not. Let me tell you a story about how Husky Liners saved my vehicle’s floor boards. I’ll explain all the reasons why you need a set of Husky Liners for your truck.

First off, anyone who has a tagline, “That’ll hold a cup-a-joe or a gallon of yeehaw!” is great in my book. Don’t believe me? Check their site. Honestly, Husky Liners had me at Husky. I love their Husky and their products. But I suppose I should explain why.

So first off, I love dogs. Secondly, Huskies are adorable and rambunctious, constantly full of energy and playful. They are just great dogs. Can you tell I have had a husky or two over the course of my adult life. Yessir! Yessir!

But enough about puppies. I wanted to write to tell you about Husky Liners because I think their Truck floor mats are probably the best on the market and they aren’t nearly as expensive as some of their competitors, especially if you order them from a website like Midwest Aftermarket. The free shipping from those Midwest folks certainly doesn’t hurt either.

So here’s the story of how I got my whole family and then my extended family to get Husky Liners for their vehicles.

First, some disclaiming: when I say truck mat, I really just mean vehicle floor mat. The thing is, I’m a truck girl. It’s what I’m into. It is hard for me to say why. Maybe it’s cause my pop had a truck growing up. Or maybe it’s cause I love bouncing out through the high plains desert of northern Colorado. Whatever it is, when I think vehicle, I think truck.

And I get that that might be in the minority here. I don’t mean to annoy any of those car people and especially not any a those Jeep people. Please no. I get it. Some of you don’t like trucks like me, but for Sam–that’s me–truck is life. For reals! Can you tell I’m a ‘90’s girl too. Tee-hee!

Anyway, I’m writing this review post because now that I’ve convinced my whole family that Husky Liners is da bomb, I thought I’d try to convince the rest of the whole darn world too. So here it goes.

Defining Truck Liners

A confession before I get too deep into this: I learned a lot of what I’m about to share from reading articles and reviews over at Midwest Aftermarket. They’ve got a great article about Husky Liners Vs. That Company That Shall Not Be Named. You’ve seen their ads on TV. Dreadful. Anyway, so when I’m sharing something that should likely be cited, just imagine I’m citing Midwest Aftermarket. I’d put in links but that sounds like a lot of work. Now I’m giving my own truck girl spin on it, but that doesn’t mean those reviews aren’t good times.

Here’s the thing though, while I’ve been calling ‘em “truck floor mats” all of the Husky Liners I recommend are actually “truck floor liners.” So maybe we ought to start there, with the difference between the two.

Truck Floor Mat Vs. Truck Floor Liner

So I tend to think of it all as just mats. In fact, just about any product that you might step on, be it carpeted or a rug, I just think of it as a “mat.” And so that’s what I call it. But in the truck industry, there is actually a pretty big difference between a mat and a liner. So I best clear that up now.

A Truck Floor Mat is just a mat that happens to fit on your truck’s floor board. It is not custom cut or measured. It is just a generic mat. The mats that come stock in your truck or car are like this. They “fit” in your floor board, but they aren’t custom fit like liners. But there I go talking about something I ain’t defined just yet.

A Truck Floor Liner is like a mat but it is custom designed to fit your floorboard perfectly. And by custom, I mean most of them are either laser measured, like digitally with a computer. Husky Liner’s uses what they call “FormFit Design™.” Now I’m not saying I totally understand how they do it, but I know they use “lasers and computers” to measure each and every floor board perfectly, so that their liners fit the contours or curves of your vehicle’s floor.

And don’t get any ideas, fellas, with me talking about curves or contours. *wink* Just playing. I’m an independent gal though. I don’t need no man. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love my husband, the rancher / cowboy that he is,  just the same cause he loves Huskies and trucks almost as much as I do. Extra emphasis on the “almost.”

The point is, if you’re given the choice to pick between a “floor mat” and a “floor liner” you’ve gotta be a real joker to go with the mat. The reason is right there in the custom part. Husky Liners fit the whole floorboard and prevent any dirt and grime from getting into your floorboard or carpet. And a lot of it has to do with the edge of the liners, what they call “FormFit Edge™” which is a special raised edge that runs the length of the door jam, protecting the entirety of your floor board, not just the part down by the pedals.

If you are checking out the pictures of most of Husky’s Truck Floor Liners, you’ll see that they have many little channels or grooves. And you might think, like I do, that those grooves just look really neat. And they do. But they also serve a great purpose too.

Those grooves do more than just soak up spills like carpet floor mats do. No the channels funnel spills into the center of the liner, away from the edges. And that FormFit Edge™ keeps the liquid from getting out or off the liner. And this alone should be enough of a reason for you all to look heavily into getting Husky Floor Liners for your truck (or whatever you drive).

Husky Liners: Why I’m a Fangirl to the End

By now you’ve probably already figured this out, but I just want to come out and say it in the name of transparency: I’m quite the fangirl when it comes to Husky. So I’ll tell you the same exact reason I’ve told my relatives,  why I’m such a believer in these great truck floor mats. I did it again didn’t I? I meant truck floor liners. Or rather vehicle floor liners!

So I’ve been a dog lover my whole life. And one summer, when our dog, Trixie, a female purebred Husky was around 2 years old (still on the cusp of puppy hood), we had a visitor from another house. His name was Max, and he was a purebred mastiff, and super adorable, I might add.

See Max is my little sister’s dog, and she was going on her honeymoon with the man of her dreams this summer, so she needed someone to watch Max for about a week. I volunteered cause we live on a ranch, and we have plenty of room for puppies to run.

Now Max was a little bit younger than Trixie at the time, but I thought no problem. Trix is pretty hard to keep up with, so maybe this young pup can wear her out. And boy did they play and play. The first day they barely came in the house, they were outside playing so long.

And that wouldn’t be a big deal, except did I mention it was summer. And we all know what Huskies do in the summer. Shed. Like. Crazy.

So as you can imagine, I had my hands full trying to keep the house clean cause there was soooo much Husky fur. So much! You don’t even know.

Point is, I ran out of cleaning supplies, and I needed to run in to town anyway for a few things for dinner. And no this ain’t no woman in the kitchen thing. I just like to cook. I’ve even ran a cooking seminar out of my kitchen before for my girlfriends and some of my guy friends too.

Now the thing is, Trixie love love loves truck rides. But typically she rides in the front seat with me. I’ve got a Ford F-150 SuperCrew. So there’s like plenty of room in the backseat for my pup and her buddy. No worries, I think. But what didn’t I think of? All the hair? Right?

Wrong! I’ve got Husky Liners all up in this biotch! I’m ready to rock and roll. That doggy hair ain’t got nothing on me. And so I load up the pups, and we hit the literal road, bouncing into town.

I rolled down the back windows just enough for each puppy to get a snout out. Trixie just loves that. I actually read one time that the flow of air through the nose of a dog gets that dog higher than any possible drug you can imagine. But I just like to think Trix likes it cause of all the sweet smells of the pasture and such. Also cause it’s interesting.

I mean imagine being a dog for a moment. All you ever see is the world from about 2 feet off the ground. And while you can run real fast, nothing compares to 65 Miles per hour bumping over backroad hills in Colorado highlands. But yeah, I read it gets ‘em kinda high too.

So Trixie was doing her normal thing, loving the window and the wind blowing through it. But Max was acting kind of strange. At first, he just laid down on the seat. And I thought maybe he was tired from all the playing. Nothing more, right? Wrong.

Next thing I know, he’s disappeared. I start looking around, frantic like, thinking that maybe he made it out the window. I’m panicking, about to pull over, when I hear something directly behind my seat.

I lean backwards, and look down into the floorboard. And there’s Max, facing down. I’d say he looked kinda green, but obviously he still was that same old tan colored Max. But you get what I mean. He looked like he was going to be sick. And then, well, he was.

And I’m not talking just a little sick either. I’m talking sick sick. And boy did it smell. I turned right around, and tried to take the bumps a little slower, but he just kept on yaking.

I got on the Bluetooth and called up my sister. What can I say? I was worried. Did I think about interrupting her honeymoon? At the time, no. I was just concerned that I had killed her dog or something. Maybe Max was really really sick.

So I get her on the phone, and I’m talking real fast, so it must have come out something like this: “I think I killed your dog, Tammy, I don’t know what to do? Should I take him to the vet?! He just won’t stop puking. I think he’s gonna die, and it smells real bad.” And I just kept going like that for a long time. About this time, I glance back and who do I see, but Trixie leaning down into the floorboard, eyeing, and probably eating the vomit. Gross! I swerved a little bit, probably sending vomit everywhere, as we came around a curve that I knew was there, but what can I say. I was a bit distracted.

Tammy’s on the other end of the line. And of course she’s calm and collected as usual. She just asks calmly, “Sam, are you in the car right now?”

I practically screamed, “Yes! Yes! How did you know?”

“You mean besides for the terrible bluetooth and the sound of the wind in the background.” She didn’t wait for me to answer. “Sam, Max gets terribly car sick very easily. Just get him out of the car and don’t take him anywhere.”

“Oh.” I managed.

“Is there anything else? Like did he eat something he shouldn’t have?”

“No. No. That’s all.” And with that, Tammy hung up.

I managed to make it back home and into the garage. And sure enough, as soon as I got Max out of the truck, he was fine. I took him and Trix out back and sprayed off their paws just in case, but really they were pretty clean.

But my truck. I thought. Oh, gawd, my truck!

I rushed back to the garage and peered into my backseat. I had imagined green colored vomit everywhere–on the seats, the windows, even the back of my front seats.

But luckily, I was wrong. First of, it wasn’t green. It was a gross oily brown. Secondly, it was pretty much only in the floor board, entirely within my Husky Floor Liner! And that’s about the time I realized the channels weren’t just for show. Haha!

Cleanup was still pretty gross, but all I really had to do was carefully remove my back floor mat and hose it off. I let it dry overnight in the garage. And in the morning, it was good as new.

So I learned something that day. A few things, actually: don’t take dogs you don’t know on joy rides down hilly back roads cause they might get car sick. And two, Husky Liners are fantastic. I had always loved them because I love Husky dogs, but after that day, I loved them because they’d saved my ass, big time. I can’t imagine how much of a pain in the butt and how gross it would have been to clean up my floor board without Husky Liners.

So to this day, I’ve been singing their graces. Husky Liners are the best darn floor liners around. Like I said, this here story has convinced everyone in my extended family that Husky Liners are well worth the investment and that they really do protect your upholstery.

I hope my story will convince you too, so you don’t have to worry about puppy mishaps or anything else that might dirty up your interior. So when you’re ready to get yourself some Husky Liners, first, let me recommend the X-Act Contour because I said so. Secondly, make sure you support Midwest Aftermarket. They’ve got great prices on Husky Liners and everything else I’ve ever needed for my truck. But more importantly, they did the research for me. If I hadn’t read over their article first, I wouldn’t have known the difference between a mat and a liner. And I might have thought I could get by with some cheap knockoff. But the truth is, I’m Husky for life. And whenever I need new Husky Liners or storage options, I always head over to  Midwest Aftermarket. Check them out. It could save your life, or at least your back seat floor boards.